656 Jordan Street
Shreveport, Louisiana 71101
(318) 425-1957
John Milkovich has been fighting for working families for over 25 years.
Civil Damages Litigation is the focus of his practice, and he has worked tirelessly to obtain settlements and judgments for those harmed by the misconduct of others. Along the way, he has served as lead counsel in a First Degree Murder case that ended with an Appellate Acquittal, a case featured in a 60 Minutes Documentary by Diane Sawyer; he handled the case that resulted in the landmark Louisiana Supreme Court decision recognizing sexual harassment as a tort in Louisiana; and he has been recognized on a yearly basis as one of the leading lawyers of Shreveport.
However, John Milkovich says he’s achieved nothing on his own. His focus instead, is on teamwork, community—and Faith.
Says Milkovich, “I’ve been blessed to work with great people, starting with my brilliant wife— who possesses a fine legal mind, and my talented daughter—an accomplished scholar.” Milkovich adds, “Our success in helping others obtain Justice has also been the result of dedicated staff, investigators like Rick Turner and James Jones who have the guts to find the truth, and scientists who have the courage to stand for the truth, and take on hired guns.” He also observes that “Judges that have the Independence and Integrity to stand for Justice— Judges like Federal Judge Tom Stagg, Fred Sexton, and the late Pike Hall, Jr.— leave an indelible imprint upon those affected by their just decrees, and set a benchmark for Justice in the communities they serve.”
Milkovich is committed to his community, working over the last 20 years in Gospel ministry to children, among them inner city children, troubled youths and young people from broken families. He has publicly opposed the strip club in Shreveport, a landfill dump near Shreveport’s water supply, the federal takeover of Louisiana Schools through Common Core, excessive property tax burdens on Caddo Parish citizens.
Finally, he is committed to the Lord. “There are no problems Jesus cannot solve. And our Pastoral Leaders are the true heroes of our Community. Leaders like Denny Duron, a selfless visionary committed to seeing God work in the lives of the people; like Rescue Mission Director, Henry Martin, who gives his life away serving others; like Lee Whitaker, who has spent over 25 years at the Rutherford House, selflessly working to give troubled kids a second chance.
Says Milkovich, “I have a passion for fighting for working families, people in need of Justice, ordinary people—one case at a time. And I am inspired in that fight by the heroes around me.”